Why Polycarbonate?
Isn't Perspex or Acrylic just as good?
Polycarbonate windows have many advantages over glass and Perspex alternatives.
- Polycarbonate has a mass density of 1.21kg/m3, just under half that of glass at 2.5kg/m3.
- Polycarbonate is shatter resistant, unlike glass, Perspex and other acrylic derivatives.
- Polycarbonate is 250x stronger than glass and considerably stronger than Perspex

Safety is paramount when racing. Polycarbonate windows remove the risk of sharp glass or acrylic/perspex splinters filling the cabin in the unfortunate event of an accident.
Below is a strip of 4mm polycarbonate crushed sideways in a vice. No heat was used to aid bending. Polycarbonate reacts by bending and creasing, demonstrating it's incredible shatter resistance.